We start with an understanding of who you are and what you are trying to accomplish
From there, we build a holistic financial plan based on your risk tolerance, time horizon and broad diversification. We feel that long-term returns are the only returns that matter. We believe in rebalancing your portfolio during good times and gradually adjusting the amount of risk we take as we near your goals. During volatility, we believe in attacking markets in a tactical way. We believe this approach enables us to obtain higher risk adjusted returns, while continuing to stay disciplined to your plan amongst outlier events.
Investment Advice and Management
- Personalized asset allocations
- Tax-efficient investment approaches
- Implementation of investment plan
- Accurate performance reporting
- Total Wealth and Account aggregation
Tax Strategies
- Tax loss harvesting via MinTax cost basis method
- Asset Location
- Roth Conversion
- Philanthropic planning
- Savings and spending strategies
Wealth and Estate Planning
- Estate and income tax plan analysis and education
- Estate and income tax reduction strategies
- Ongoing consultations with your estate and tax professionals
- Education and collaboration with future generations